Abdullah Radhi Apps

My Polar Tracker 1.4
Abdullah Radhi
This is not an official Polar app, and not yet capable ofautomatically connecting to Polar devices.Also, this is just away to track your progress, you can use anyother devices such as Treadmill to input data.This Polar Heart Rate watch tracker app, is simple.Please let me know what features you wanted the most so I canwork on them earlier than othersas soon as I have enough time.This app will allow the user to manually enter the informationfrom the watch into the appto keep track of your sport activity.For the time being, the app allows the user to enter thefollowing:- Date- Start time ( when the exercise start )- Activity (sport) name- Distant- Duration- Calories burned- Average heart rate- Max heart rate- Temperature (when working outside)- Fat burn- Fitness- NoteFor the time being, the app will allow you to enter multiplesports but the imagefor any sport other than Running will not be available, instead theapp will displaya man running.The temperature is just a number regardless of the Celsiussymbol, so it can be Fahrenheitas well.The app will be updated as I have more free time. I promise:)-------------------------Keywords:Polar, Heart Rate Monitor, Workout, Exercise, Fitness, Gym,Tracking.
Personal Recipes 1.0.7
Abdullah Radhi
This is an app for keeping track of your own recipes for the foodyou liked.It will provide you with a way to add a new recipe title,ingredients, and directions for how to cook the meal.Also, it allows the user to add a picture for the meal, thispicture is ( optional ), so phones without camera can still use theapp because the app allow the user to browse for an image from thegallery.The app is capable of exporting the recipe with it's image to aPDF file. All exported recipes will be saved in this directory/sdcard/Personal Recipe/And for any problem, please email me with a detailed explanationof what went wrong so I can fix the issues.Also email me if you need any other features.
الإختلاجات 1.1
Abdullah Radhi
أبتدأ كلامي بـ- "كل إناء بالذي فيه ينضح"- قال تعالى(وإذا خاطبهم الجاهلون قالوا سلاما)- الناس أعداء ما جهلوا، ولهذا بعض أهل السنة يعادون أهل البيتويعادون من يحبهم لأنهم يجهلونهم.- لسان العاقل وراء قلبه، وقلب الأحمق وراء لسانهوردي على كل من يتعرض لي ولأخواني الشيعة بسوء هو التاليإن لم تكن حليما فتحلم، فإنه قلما من تشبه بقوم إلا أوشك أن يكون منهم----------الإختلاج :هوحركة العضو أو البدن غير الإرادية.روي عن الإمام جعفر الصادق (ع) أنه قال لعبد له اسمه «معلّى» : يامعلّى إن الإختلاج فيه زجر وتخويف وموعظة .فقال : جُعلت فداك بين لي , فقال : أعلم أن ذلك علم يقين ولا شك ولاريب.هذا تطبيق بسيط لتسهيل العثور على، وفهم الإختلاجات الواردة عناﻹمام جعفر الصادق عليه أفضل الصلاة وأتم التسليم.
Like It? Save It 2.14
Abdullah Radhi
This is a very simple app that allows you tosave and collect whatever text you liked.Due to the vast amount of what we receive as text messages from ourfamily and friendsthrough Online Messengers such as WhatsApp, LINE and many others,you probably wantedone day to save some text for easy access to them later.If so, this application can do that.Remember this app only save Plain Text, no EMOJI or smileyfaces.First time you launch the application, you must define acategory for the text you want to save.Example:category name: Jokethen you will be able to add the text under "Joke" category.Then click the menu soft button to View previous entries or goto Setting to add new category.The application now does have Edit and Delete feature.If you want to copy something you previously added, just longpress on the text inside View screenand you will be able to select and copy or share the selectedtext.Hopefully you will find this app helpful.Keywords:Save, Like, Keep, collect, text, message, word, nicely worded,joke, wisdom, positive thinking, advice.
RSS Drizzles 1.11
Abdullah Radhi
This is a simple and flexible RSS news readerthat utilize as little as possible of your mobile dataplan/carrier.To start following news you have 2 options:1- After the application first start, navigate to the menu then"Explore subscriptions"then either select the entire category or a subset of the categoryby clicking "View All"2- After the application first start, navigate to the menu then"Add New Subscription"Some of its features are:- Subscribe to a website that provide an RSS service to get thefeeds/articles.- Ability to import a list of your subscriptions/sources from anOMPL file when you want to migrate from other news reader.- Ability to read all articles from a single subscription.- Ability to read all of the articles from a category which spansseveral subscriptions.- You do not have to start from scratch, you can explore a list ofsuggested sources to start following. This suggested subscriptionswill be updated from time to time, so keep checking it.** For any problem or feature request, please contact thedeveloper via email👍** You can follow our Telegram Channel @rssdrizzles(http://telegram.me/rssdrizzles) to be notified about any updateregarding the app and to contact the developer for any problem orsuggestion.
Personal Finance 1.3
Abdullah Radhi
This is a monitoring application which is a little bit differentthan other apps in the following point. It divides your monitoringtask to 2 categories, 1) Fund: such as your Bank, Saving account,Wallet, and a Safe at your house. 2) Account: such as your Salary,a channel of spending. The relation between Fund and Account isthat they are both "money holders" but for the Fund, you just careabout the balance (how much you have in that Fund) but for theother type you want to track each and every transaction (expense,income). But each transaction is associated with both a Fund, andan Account. The hierarchy of the application is as follows: FundAccount Category The app incorporates the Envelope system which ismuch like budget. These Envelopes are for monthly expenses (monthlybudget). When creating new Envelope, you need only to specify thestarting period or the starting date which means an Envelope willcover one month of expenses from let’s say March 25th to April25th, thus you only need to specify March 25th as the startingperiod and the Envelope will be usable for all the months from Xmonth 25th to next month 25th For any question please contact thedeveloper using the email.
صلاة الليل 2
Abdullah Radhi
Prayer the night of the Shia Imami
Personal Dictionary 1.5
Abdullah Radhi
It is an app to allow users to create there own language tolanguage dictionary
Business Tracker 1.1
Abdullah Radhi
This app is intended for small businessownerswho sells products from their home/apartment to help keepingtrackof their business.The app can do the following:-+ Adding products and their buying and selling prices.+ Adding customer's information such as address and phone.+ Adding method of payments such as, Money transfer from PayPalorbank account.+ Adding sale for either customer who paid down payment orfullamount.- Must of the features in the app can be reached using theMenuof each window.- To delete one of the method of payments, you just need topressand hold the method that you want to delete and then confirmtheaction.I hope you like this app and for any feature that you wouldliketo see in the app, PLEASE do not wait, email me and that applyalsofor any problem you find in the app. I will attempt to resolvetheissues as soon as I figure out how to fix them.
أدعية للمذاكرة والحفظ 1.42
Abdullah Radhi
Application combines some trading between students from privateprayers for study